St. Nicholas' Church


The origin of the church dates back to the 12th century, with the construction of a chapel for marketers in the Brussels markets. In 1367, a violent storm destroyed the tower, which was rebuilt in 1380 in Gothic style. After having suffered from iconoclasts in the 16th century, the Saint-Nicolas church, which became a parish church in 1618, still had to suffer the cannons of Marshal Villeroy who destroyed the entire center of Brussels in 1695. The church was rebuilt, with the exception of its tower, which was shaken in its foundations, which collapsed in 1714. It was not until 1956 that the facade was rebuilt following the collapse of the tower. The church was completely restored between 2002 and 2006.

Franciscan Church (Franziskanerkirche)


Saint-Josse Church (Sint-Joostkirk)